

キャリア・ライフ・エデュケーション / Career Life Education

 Dogwood(カナダ政府公認の高校卒業プログラム)の中にはキャリア・ライフ・エデュケーション(Career Life Education / CLE)という授業があります。


















Dogwood (a Canadian government-approved high school graduation diploma) includes Career Life Education (CLE).


When he first started studying in Richmond, my son seemed to have difficulty with this CLE and I was worried about him.


It seemed to me that a rough description of what is done in the CLE was that it is a subject in which students learn what they need to do to live from now on. I think that the specific content to be learned is not exactly fixed in BC, but is pretty much left up to the teacher in charge.

The reason I think that is because the CLE my son took was like, "Do they do that much practical stuff as a class?"

Perhaps because his teacher happened to have experience as a recruitment interviewer at a company, they first did a mock job-hunting interview. And then, the students learned "If I were to buy a used car with this many miles on it, it would be reasonable if it cost this much."

Oh!  students can use this in their daily life tomorrow!

In addition, there was homework to research the university they wanted to go to or where they wanted to work and submit a report on it.  The study also included a discussion on what financial products are good for investment.  Furthermore, a stock trading simulation game was also introduced in the class. My son was completely hooked and checked the price of the shares he had bought (in the virtual game) every day, and was both happy and sad at the fluctuations in the share price.


The teacher was also a wonderful teacher, who was very concerned about my son, who had just started his studies in Richmond, and my son started asking questions after class about things he didn't understand. With his teacher's generous support, my son started enjoying the class gradually, and amazingly, he began to consult with the teacher when he had problems in his daily school life outside of class.


At the time the first semester was almost over, I asked my son again, "What classes are you having trouble with now?" He replied, "Nothing in particular. Rather, the CLE taught us things we would never do at school in Japan, and it was very interesting!" Even now, almost a year later, he still says, "The CLE was very useful for my daily life!'  Amazing indeed!


I thought that, as well as the content of the lessons, the personality of the teacher is really important for young students. I never imagined that my son, who looked so pained in class, would come to enjoy it so much. (Thank you, teacher!)


Semester 2 will be starting soon. I pray from far away in Japan that the new teachers in charge of my son will be warm teachers, and that they will warmly watch over my son's growth.

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