

カナダの医療事情① / The medical situation in Canada ①



さらに「ウオークイン(Walk in)に行くといいよ。」と言ってそこの詳細をくれた友人もいました。また、他の友人は「ウオークインに行って、「すっっっごく具合が悪いんです!!」って強調しないとだめだよ!ねばるんだよ!」と本当に息子のことを考えてアドバイスをしてくれた友人もいました。 (友人たち!本当にありがとう~!!)


























「リッチモンドには、リッチモンド病院が唯一のERとして存在します。それとは別に20224月にUPCC(救急センター)が新設されました。このUPCCというのは、カナダ政府健厚相、バンクーバー臨海健康センター、リッチモンドの家族省などの複数の行政機関が共同で設立した革新的な治療センターで、通常の看護師だけでなく、家族医療担当ドクター、手術ができる看護師、ソシアル・ワーカーといった様々な医療スタッフの連携のもと、発熱外来、急患、事故やケガといったありとあらゆるケースの対応が可能な医療施設です。」ということだそうです。さらに調べてみたところ、このUPCCは正式名称はRichmond City Centre Urgent and Primary Care Centreといい、なんと33人もの常勤医療従事者をかかえ、緊急医療だけでなく、緊急医療からファミリードクターや専門医につなげなかった場合はそのまま継続してケアを提供してくれるという画期的な医療施設のようで、バンクーバー周辺の慢性的な医療サービス不足である現状を、抜本的に改善しようというカナダ政府の本気度を感じさせられます。偶然にもそんな政府肝いりの医療機関がリッチモンドにできたというのは朗報以外の何物でもないですね~。









(re-write on 30th of December 2022) 

When my son was sick once, I asked around to some friends in the PAC (Parents Association) if they knew of any good clinics. They all said in unison, "I would refer you to our family doctor, but they are not accepting new patients." I wondered, "How can it be that all the family doctors are not accepting new patients?"


Some said "You should go to the Walk in." and gave me the details of that place. Another friend said, "You have to go to the Walk in and emphasize that he was very, very sick! You have to emphasize the sickness.'  They gave me a lot of practical and kind advice. (Friends! Thank you so much!)


In the end, my son didn't go to the clinic, but I wonder, "What was that all about?"

Since we decided to stop taking out study-abroad insurance from an American insurance company and go only with MSP insurance and Studyinsured, an insurance policy for international students, we need to well know the medical system in Canada. 

When discussing medical care with friends in Richmond, words like 'walk-in clinic', 'family doctor' and 'ER' always come up.

In Japan, a family doctor seems to refer to a 'neighbourhood doctor'. Families with small children may have a family doctor, but there are many people who do not have a family doctor.

I asked T, the president of Richmond Friendly and an expert in nutrition, what 'family doctor' means in Canada.


'In Canada, the basic premise is that everyone has a family doctor. The theory is that every household is supposed to have a family doctor, but the reality is that we are 20% short of family doctors."

It is quite shocking that 20% of residents do not have a family doctor, despite the "basic assumption that they do."

T also says "New residents moving to Richmond can find a family doctor on the web."

Introduced the site, I looked into the family doctors in Richmond.  It is surprising that although there were a lot of family doctors on the list when I pressed the details button, most of the clinics say 'not accepting new patients.'

Well, this seems to be what is meant by a "20% shortage of family doctors".

In such a situation, it seems difficult for international students to find a new family doctor. Alternatively, there may be a possibility to consult a host family and have the host family's family doctor examine the student, but this remains unclear.


So what is this 'walk-in' thing we hear so much about? We asked T about this too.

'Walk-ins are not like ERs, where you are seen in an emergency. It is not a place for long-term treatment like a family doctor, but a clinic that accepts patients without an appointment and provides temporary treatments. I personally don't know of any walk-ins that speak Japanese, but there are over 150 walk-ins in Richmond. It's only temporary treatment, so you can't see the same doctor continuously, but it's a good place for international students to ask for temporary medical services when they need them." she said.


I immediately search on the Walk-in search website that T told me about. As a test, I entered the address of my son's homestay and selected an area within a 5 km radius, and sure enough, some clinic details came up.


Out of blue, I hear an unsolicited comment from H, a Japanese woman who has lived in Vancouver and run a company for many years: "Unfortunately, the Canadian health care system is not as good as it is in Japan. There are walk-ins and they can see you, but walk-ins are only simple medical facilities. If the walk-in diagnoses that you need to see a specialist, they will connect you to a specialist, but the problem is the time it takes to see a specialist. If you are lucky, you will be seen immediately, but you may have to wait several months, or even a year or more, to be contacted. Many Japanese people return to Japan for treatment if they become ill because they don't want their condition to worsen while they are waiting." That's not a good thing to hear. It's frightening, isn't it?


No!  This is a story of Vancouver, so the medical situation in Richmond might be better, I thought, and immediately asked my Canadian friend who lives in Richmond. 'Certainly, the health care system in Canada is not good. There are family doctors and walk-ins, but it is very difficult to see a specialist. Sometimes we, as Chinese, get very sick and have to go back to China for treatment."  It seems that the medical infrastructure in Richmond is also not good.


According to Japanese H, "Specialist treatment in Canada is of good quality, but the fact that treatment is free of charge for the citizens is slowing down the speed of treatment."

Hmmm, interesting!  If the cost of treatment is high, the person receiving treatment will make a careful decision on whether or not to receive treatment, and clinics will not be crowded, but in Canada, where treatment itself is free, people will say, "It's free, I'll go and see a doctor." The severity of medical conditions varies widely, and the clinics are congested and the treatment is not always easy to have.


So what about the ER? Again we ask club president T.

'Richmond Hospital is the only ER in Richmond. Apart from that, a new UPCC (Urgent and Primary Care Centre) was established in April 2022. This UPCC is an innovative treatment centre established jointly by several government agencies, including the Government of Canada's Minister of Health, the Vancouver Coastal Health and so on, where various medical care providers such as family medicine doctors, surgeons and social workers, as well as regular nurses, work altogether.  It is a medical facility that can handle all kinds of cases, such as outpatient fever, emergencies, accidents and injuries and so on.'  

My further research revealed that the UPCC, officially called the Richmond City Centre Urgent and Primary Care Centre, has a total of 33 full-time medical staff and provides not only emergency care but also continuous care if the patient is not connected to a family doctor or specialist from emergency care. It seems to be a ground-breaking medical facility, which shows the seriousness of the Canadian government to drastically improve the chronic lack of medical services in the Vancouver area. It is nothing but good news that such a government-sponsored medical facility has been established in Richmond by coincidence!


In Canada, when they conduct "normal operations", they work very slowly and relaxed, but once the government gets serious and says, "We'll do it!', the turbo kicks in and they suddenly start running. My son has been studying in Richmond for a year and a half now, and if you ask me, this sudden turbo-charging is 'very Canadian, indeed', as usual. I think.


I thought that his friends in Richmond must be very happy that such a groundbreaking UPCC was established in Richmond, but I was surprised to find that the existence of the UPCC itself seems to be unknown. I'm not sure how much this UPCC is helping to solve the chronic shortage of health services. 

Please see the following article. ⇓


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