

サマースクールで取るEnglish10① / English10 taken in summer school①





























Before starting his study in Canada, my son was going to take English 10 in summer school, with the intention of graduating in two or two and a half years at the most.


However, my son was advised by his ELL teacher and school counselor to return home for the summer. When we contacted these two people to find out what was going on, they told us " It is very important for international students to return to their own country and spend time with their families during the first summer. Summer school is a lot of work, so it's best not to do it." They advised my son not to take English 10 during summer school.


I have written about it briefly, but it was really hard to come to this conclusion, to the point where I was groggy.


Time goes back to before he studied abroad in 2021.

First of all, our family was told by WSO, the agent we had the agent contract with that "you can study in Canadian high school until you are 21 years old." However, one day, just two months before my son was leaving for  Canada, we received a phone call from the agent, "We can't get a study permit from the Canadian government in time. I am sorry." We were all shocked. 

Immediately after that, the agent disappeared.  He vanished!! Without obtaining a study for my son...... Anyway, I called around to the agent and managed to get someone else in charge, who told me that "According to Canadian regulations, it is no longer possible to take new classes once you turn 19 and a half years old." I was shocked to be told that this was completely different from what we were told by the previous agent.  However, he explained, "In order to complete English 12 before the graduation age limit, your son can take English 10 in summer school first, and then he can manage to graduate in two years."  At that stage, my family was exhausted, and we had no time or power to consider other options, as my son had to leave for Canada soon.

What exactly did I do? I canceled all my previous appointments and concentrated on working to prepare for my son's schooling in Canada in two months. To save time, I got a massive amount of documents from Richmond to W in English as they came. Then my son and I just kept filling in the forms, signing them, and sending them back to W. In the meantime, I went to the bank to be issued proof of our bank balance in English.  I also corresponded with a student visa specialist. My son was busy with fingerprinting procedures for a study permit from the Canadian government, online testing for ELL class assignments at his high school in Richmond, and learning English at cram schools and in English conversation classes in preparation for this. Both my son and I were exhausted, even though the study abroad process itself had not yet begun. However, my son and I had no other choice but to persist until the last minute, hoping for a miracle.

We managed to miraculously get the study permit in time, and when he finally started studying in Richmond, our son was told by the school counselor in Richmond that he should not do summer school. I was again at a loss as to whether my son would be able to graduate the school before the age limit.


At this stage, I was not relying on the agency at all and I had started contacting the school, the host family, and the Richmond School Board directly for all my son's needs.

I had been communicating with the school counselor regarding this summer school while CC'ing with  Richmond International Education (RIE), who were watching the situation, told me 'Unlike Canadians, international students can stay in high school up to the age of 20 in Richmond, which means that they are not required to attend summer school. Furthermore, we are flexible and accommodating to individual circumstances." She said. That was a bolt from the blue! For our family, it was a fact that we only found out about when we came here, even though my son had been studying in Richmond for six months. Perhaps the RIE thought, "Well, they have agents, so some basic knowledge should have been shared with them." However, looking at the series of exchanges, she thought something wrong, and then she stated the age limit in Richmond.


We are truly grateful from the bottom of our hearts to our son's school and to the RIE. If Richmond had not dared to mention the age limit, our family would have decided that our son would not be able to graduate and he would have given up on studying in Canada at that time.


Studying high school in Canada for graduation is not easy, and I personally know many stories of international students who have given up their schooling in Canada.  The reasons for this vary and I don't think it is as simple as a lack of effort on their part.


This series of summer school and graduation age limits had to be discussed with ELL teachers, the school counselor, and RIE, and then we had to put together a whole other dimension of how much to pay to the host family over the summer. It is not something that an international student can manage alone in such a complex story.

Please see the following article;



I posted an article about our previous agent;


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